Thursday, March 15, 2012

So The 12th has come & gone again!

Can you believe it?  This year is just flying on by! Ella pubs has a great prize this month for someone who joins their take 12 challenge.  Of course the real prize will be the wonderful album at the end of the year.  So if you haven't seen it you might want to check it out.

So here is both sides of my take 12 layout :

I saw many layouts on the Flickr group that detailed their life right now or even that day, and it inspired me to go back & be more detailed in my journaling.  The close up shows the Original journaling &  I know the picture is too small here is what it says:

Ryan stayed home sick today.  His rash has almost cleared up, but he’s been running a low grade fever since Saturday evening.  He didn’t take his medicine, so he drove me crazy all afternoon, 
Pat came to clean our house today!  I am so glad I have help.  My house looks about a hundred times better than it used to, because I am no longer desperately overwhelmed.  So project organization continues.
Spring is coming!  My crocus are blooming & the Daffodills are starting to come up.  I may even need to water the grass soon.  Also, when I picked up the mail, a birdie was singing to me! 
Hobbes has gotten into my pajama drawer again.  I don’t know why, but he likes to pull a corner of it open, dig out some stuff & then climb inside!
 I’ve been rereading the little house books.  I had forgotten how much I loved them. 
Ryan was really happy that I made ravioli for supper. 
Also tried so hard but could not find an iPad case that I liked, so I got a clear one & decorated it myself. 

Some of these pictures are pretty little on the page so I wanted to share some bigger versions of a couple.

After Hobbes has gotten in my drawer this is what I find.

My newly Decorated iPad case

Do you see the birdie?

I love crocus! And my macro lens that lets me get such great pictures of these tiny flowers.


  1. I love the way you laid out your photos-especially that one long one on the right. And, it's great that you designed your own ipad cover.

  2. This is great! Reminds me that I still haven't hunted for the hidden crocuses and daffodils under my leaves yet!
